The 9th Malaysia International Food & Beverage Trade Fair where the best food around the world is served with golden plates, Indian Curry, Japanese Soba, Vietnam Pho Hoa and Penang Char Keoy Teow. Not. Thats what I thought in the first place. Its actually a expo where businesses promote their new products to the market looking for distributors. Not what I dreamed of, but still there's food to eat, for free, first hand, unlimited, unique, tasty, haha I'm getting in your nerves. Well, at least I learned some stuffs, like how they print the numbers on plastic bottles, and er... let's cut to the chase, here's some pictures.
*Ticket to Food*
*The Fest*
*This should how Spongebob's house looks like*
*You wont stick this in your computer/handphone but your mouth. Chocolate.*
*Intel starts using chocolate, not chips. Literally.*
Well, I would like to share a song, it's genre is modern rock from the indie band I'm currently participating it as an intern. Past 2 years I've been learning alot from the band, song arrangements, melody, vocal control. From past experience, being a vocal for a band its tough, fucking tough. Screaming with control, singing with your diaphragm, low voice with power. Try singing Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit. Tough. Thanks to Kelvin(drums) my mentor, Fei(Guitar&vocals) my vocal guru, Martin(Bass) the bands savior.
*Yoda's around padawan*
Here it is, i ran out of breath in the end, sang alot before this. Leave some comments, criticism is welcomed too, only constructive critism is accepted. And no, "The song sucks" is not considered "constructive".
*Lost - Lyrics By Fei, Vocals By me*
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